Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things I Learned This Week

I am just starting to get over my dreadful illness which is awesome!!! So here are the things I learned about how to take care of myself while sick:

1. Cough drop of choice: Ricola Honey Lemon with Echinacea- I have had at least 2 packages of them in the past 5 days...they are delicious and definitely help soothe a soar throat.
2. I don't know if everyone goes through this but I go through phases where I want a lot of hot things and then I want a lot of cold I drank tea for the first half of my illness but tea or anything hot sounds awful now...
3. Orange jell-o is my best friend
4. Chapstick totally makes me feel better...for some unexplainable reason as soon as I started putting Carmax on regularly I felt a tinsy bit better.
5. Buy Kleenex or not depend on toilet paper for your sniffles.
6. If there is nothing good on TV, turn it off because you will probably fall asleep and dreams are way more interesting.
7. Do not fight the body aches, just feel sorry for yourself and be a bum on the couch.
8. Finally, I should have stayed home on Tuesday. Do not push recovery...I went back to school 3 days after I got the bug and 2 days before I was actually ready to go back, that was a bad idea.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


hey! so...i'm still sick...but enough of me whining. my mom showed me this video and I want to share it with you!

Animals with a Sense of Humor

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

To friendship

I have never had the friends I have now until I went to high school and I know that I will not find friends exactly like them in university. HOWEVER, I do plan to have friends...and real friends in university not just close acquaintances. Friends, I love you guys, you teach me so much and help me understand things that may be just out of grasp but...the world doesn't end with you guys and I hope that I have the emotional capacity to become just as good of friends with new people. You see, I believe in the human race. I believe that everyone has a story and that I can learn something from that story. It saddens me to think that others give up finding friends because they are content with the friendships they hold. It also saddens me when one gives up trying to find friends because they think they have all that they need already. You may have met the best friend you never had in that last class but you were uninterested to look sideways and comment about his/her awesome shoes. You just don't know who you can meet and the impact that they can have upon your life. 4 years ago, I sat in an assigned seat next to two girls I had never spoken with before. One of them became my best friend and now that I look back at it, I wonder what who would I have been if my science teacher hadn't assigned me a seat next to her's. This thought is a cold and dark thought that I don't want to think about because I can't imagine myself with out her in my life the past 4 years. This thought is also the reason why I am so grateful to my school's scheduling system and to my freshman science teacher.

I apologize if this seams sappy and also very choppy but it's what's in my brain...

Monday, April 4, 2011


I really wish I had something exciting to share... however, I don't...I did watch movies today on the couch while I was eating cough drops like popcorn. I watched The Da Vinci Code and Angels & Demons. I do not know what made me watch these two movies back to back but I definitely enjoy them both. I really enjoy Tom Hanks in both of them as well as Ian McKellen in The Da Vinci Code as well as Ewan McGregor in Angels & Demons. I never realized how those two movies have 3 of my favorite actors in them. Well, I'm keeping this short because I really need to get to sleep.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Alright, yesterday and today I have been completely sick. Not just a little cold, legit sick. and I must tell you, it sucked! However, I am getting caught up on sleep, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, I have nothing to blog about today or yesterday because I literally was sleeping all day, last night was the first tech rehearsal for a student production that I am in so that was kinda fun...except not because I was sick...thankfully, I don't have a speaking roll. I just play a zombie that says ARMGHF!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

I am a cheater

I am such a cheater... the thing that sucks is that I don't cheat other people, I cheat myself... like now, I am still pretending that it's April 1st and that I live on the west coast because it hasn't hit midnight there yet! I suppose this is the blog to introduce myself but I don't feel like telling you a bunch of random stuff about me at this moment in time. Instead, I am going to share with you a story that I told my friend when she had to go to the bathroom and we were chatting on Skype:

Once upon a time, there was a fluffy unicorn named Toad. It was a pretty pink unicorn with a rainbow tail, mane, and horn. One day, it was grazing in the Field of Happy Memories and it saw a great blue whale named Molly. Molly floated alongside the Field of Happy Memories in the Ocean of Bliss. Molly and Toad became friends. They talked all day and soon they walked so far down the shore that they were no longer in the Field of Happy Memories and Ocean of Bliss, instead they had wandered into the Land of Poop Eating Dogs. Luckily, the dogs also ate sugar crystalized grass so they were not vicious (however the stink was horrible because dogs really should not be eating that much sugar). Soon Toad began to show symptoms of the Poop Eating Dogs and it's horn, tail, and mane began to become dull. Molly noticed this and started to teach Toad how to swim. Pretty soon, Toad didn't go back to land after swimming. They soon started to drift back toward the Ocean of Bliss. The longer Toad was in the water, the more the Ocean had an impact on her musculature. All the while, Toad and Molly were falling in love, and they decided to have babies! Thus the narwhal was born.

umm...where did that come from?