Friday, April 1, 2011

I am a cheater

I am such a cheater... the thing that sucks is that I don't cheat other people, I cheat myself... like now, I am still pretending that it's April 1st and that I live on the west coast because it hasn't hit midnight there yet! I suppose this is the blog to introduce myself but I don't feel like telling you a bunch of random stuff about me at this moment in time. Instead, I am going to share with you a story that I told my friend when she had to go to the bathroom and we were chatting on Skype:

Once upon a time, there was a fluffy unicorn named Toad. It was a pretty pink unicorn with a rainbow tail, mane, and horn. One day, it was grazing in the Field of Happy Memories and it saw a great blue whale named Molly. Molly floated alongside the Field of Happy Memories in the Ocean of Bliss. Molly and Toad became friends. They talked all day and soon they walked so far down the shore that they were no longer in the Field of Happy Memories and Ocean of Bliss, instead they had wandered into the Land of Poop Eating Dogs. Luckily, the dogs also ate sugar crystalized grass so they were not vicious (however the stink was horrible because dogs really should not be eating that much sugar). Soon Toad began to show symptoms of the Poop Eating Dogs and it's horn, tail, and mane began to become dull. Molly noticed this and started to teach Toad how to swim. Pretty soon, Toad didn't go back to land after swimming. They soon started to drift back toward the Ocean of Bliss. The longer Toad was in the water, the more the Ocean had an impact on her musculature. All the while, Toad and Molly were falling in love, and they decided to have babies! Thus the narwhal was born.

umm...where did that come from?

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