Sunday, August 21, 2011

Netflix BEDA #18

So here's a list of movies I have seen on my netflix account:

I watched a lot of dance things just because I felt like dancing the past 2 weeks...

Step Up 3: So entertaining, didn't take it seriously, wish they spent more time on quality of choreography just because the other two were better..and they did moves just for 3D which sucked
Bo Burnham: Words, Words, Words: hilarious.
The Dancer: good, I liked the dancer they followed, it was an actual documentary and not just a "I starve myself and train and train and train and ruin my feet" kind of story
Super High Me: Hmmm...educational I suppose? haha it was pretty funny as well...
Mad Hot Ballroom: I like it... a lot..
Shall We Dance? 80's version...kinda weird...
B-Girl: so bad. so cheesy.
Dancing Across Borders: Super interesting, a bit slow.
Wristcutters: A Love Story : SO WEIRD!!! but totally worth the beginning weirdness.
Etoiles: Dancers of the Paris Opera Ballet: It was good. kinda like The Dancer, but I liked The Dancer better...
Exit Through the Gift Shop: Really liked this one, the guy they follow is a bit eccentric and a loser but its interesting and I really like street art, so I enjoyed it.
The Usual Suspects: I do not even know where to begin!! It is so brilliant, plot twister, great acting, sooo good.
Strictly Ballroom: The characters are hilarious!
Dirty Dancing: one of my favorite dancing movies, it's just classic.
King Corn: Interesting but I was kind of disappointed, I heard it was really good and it didn't live up to the standards that I had placed...
The Corporation: really great, really interesting, super impressed
30 Days: I watched quite a few episodes of 30 days, impressed by all of them, in general just a nice series. It was well done, they didn't make the drama more amplified than it should was just good
Freakonomics: it was great, informational...yeah...
Memento: I still don't really understand, I need to watch it again...but it was really great.
Ballet Shoes: If I didn't love Emma Watson, I would think this movie was stupid...but since I do love Emma Watson, it's stupidly entertaining...
The LXD: The Uprising Begins: I always want to type LSD instead of LXD...hmm...its good, another dancing thing...I do want to see the next one...I'm not sure if it is a TV series or if it's a movie that was cut into chapters...or what, but the dancing is great, the acting is...mehh, alright, there isn't much acting so I can't quite decide yet...

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